Assignment Management System

Assignments are an important element of the academic experience. It can substantially affect students’ internal grades by influencing their behavior. Improve the internal grading system of your school by implementing a student assignment management system. This well-organized snapshot of students’ grades for each topic will assist instructors in concentrating their efforts on weak courses. Better management will reduce the likelihood of lost, tampered with, or altered assignments.

Automated Student Assignment Management System

Teachers are familiar with the frustration of creating several assignments for a wide range of topics across multiple grades and classrooms. With the help of a simple assignment creation option, you can alleviate the stress. Students will be able to attach files in various formats, including photos, slideshows, and text, thanks to the file attachment tool.
Many parents express dissatisfaction because subject professors do not examine assignments because they are running out of time. However, by offering a solution that allows for role-based access to the tasks that have been submitted, you may defuse the situation. Our online student assignment management system will help you increase trust and openness in your school’s internal operations.

All-In-One Student Assignment Management System

By implementing a better student assignment management system, you may encourage your professors to assess the students. Allow the greatest outcomes and correct management to mold the pupils’ bright futures in the best possible way.

Key Features

Students may submit assignments according to their due date and manage their daily workload effortlessly with the mobile application.

With the aid of the mobile application, teachers may deliver assignments subject-by-subject and assign them to several classes with a single click.

Student Assignment Management System enables students to attach material, including PDFs, Word documents, and images.

Once a student submits an assignment, the instructor may mark it as done from their end, allowing for tracking of each student’s completion status.

The Student  Management System’s interface is user-friendly; both students and instructors may quickly access the data.

Assignments may be assigned to students with management permission. After management authorizes the assignment’s burden, the instructor may assign it.

  • Manages Student’s Workloads
  • Assignments by Subject
  • Various Attachments Can be Added
  • Work Completion Status
  • Simple to Use Interface.
  • Approve or Reject an Assignment

The benefit of the Student Assignment Management System

  • Provides easy access to data
  • Assign assignments using the mobile app on a subject-by-subject basis
  • Utilize the mobile app to sort assignments chronologically
  • Possibility of multiple attachments, e.g., PDF, Word,.jpeg, etc.
  • Assign numerous classes with a single click
  • Rapid assignment following the submission deadline

Our student assignment management system assists students and instructors in completing assignments. This online evaluation system is so meticulously built that the likelihood of making a mistake is quite low. With the new normal, this feature in our Smart SAKAL APP is a must for online examinations.