E-learning Portal

Our e-learning portal is based on the principles of structured teaching, but it achieves improved student results via the use of technology. We harness the power of the most recent electronic technology and the Internet to make all of the educational materials necessary for students, including digital classrooms, accessible on any device, such as PCs, smartphones, and other mobile devices, anytime and anywhere.

Curriculum-Aligned multimedia Content

Through the use of streaming movies and audio files that are related to the curriculum, unhindered study may be permitted for students. For various learning purposes, different media are put up in different ways. Courses are jam-packed with videos, activities, quizzes, and flashcards to ensure students get the most out of their time.

Analytical Services That Are Tailored

Learners’ whereabouts may be determined using personalized analytical data, and their progress and performance can be tracked to provide specialized education. It takes learners on a tailored journey from any beginning point through completing a learning objective.

Learning via Play is a method of teaching

Utilizing innovative game concepts, students will be motivated and have a good time studying. Points and levels are available to keep track of your progress through the various stages. Arrive at the finish line with the highest possible score.

Online Exams and Evaluations

Mock and practice examinations and quizzes on various subjects and themes are administered at regular intervals to check students’ readiness for the final exams. A fun and innovative approach to evaluating knowledge gaps and tracking progress is provided by this tool.

Classroom on the Internet

Our virtual classroom sessions, designed to look and feel like traditional classes, allow for two-way interaction between the instructor, students, and peers. Deeper learning is made possible using digital whiteboards, presentations, movies, and lecture slides.

Develop skills for the twenty-first century

For our kids to be successful in school, jobs, and life, the e-learning portal provides a framework for them to develop 21st-century skills that will allow them to succeed in a constantly changing environment.

Key features of our e-learning software

  • Sign in with a simple click; no complicated configuration; Launch a course/class with ease and in the shortest amount of time; provide direct launch to students. Pre-configured for use with a communication app. Loading and synchronization are lightning-fast. Login and password are required for secure access.
  •  A/V streaming with little buffering to give the greatest learning experience; digital whiteboards to assist students in understanding challenging topics; animation to increase learning; crisp and distortion-free audio streaming podcasts to provide the best learning experience.
  • Improving the learning experience by delivering knowledge to learners as soon and directly as possible; Large resource library with up-to-date, educational, and fascinating information aligned with the curriculum; micro-learning content; and support for offline content access.
  • Quizzes, matching exercises, problem-solving questions, and case studies are examples of multimedia tests that can assess student performance.
  • Capture student performance and generate personalized analytical reports on strengths and learning gaps, as well as recommend a suitable learning path
  • Communication and course discussions between professors, students, and peers using the school’s mobile app.
  • Quick communication; push alerts immediately interact with students and increase student engagement.
  • Security protocols that are cutting-edge to protect user information; IP blockers that prevent spam; enhanced password authentication processes that are anti-virus compatible; and data encryption compatible with mobile devices.

The Internet has altered the whole process by which information is supplied and evaluated when it comes to education. This is especially true in the middle of the massive changes taking place. The kids have enthusiastically embraced this way of learning and teaching, and as a result, it can be predicted that they will have a promising future.

Because of continuous technological advancements and faster Internet connections, the potential for incorporating e-learning portals in the delivery of courses has risen by leaps and bounds, and the possibilities appear unlimited at this point. By incorporating our e-learning software, school management can save money and time while offering interactive learning ways for students. Get advanced E-leaning portal with Smart SAKAL APP