Human Resource Management System

With our integrated payroll and HR administration module, managing employees is simple. It is possible to keep a complete record of all personnel, including their qualifications, experience, and so on. Employee payroll can be simply managed, which simplifies salary distribution. This functionality can also be used for overall employee management.

Integrated with HR management

For maximum efficiency, our software-integrated human resource management system combines payroll and HR functions. We let you say goodbye to spreadsheets and unconnected HR systems by combining all of your workforce management tasks into one platform, and we support your employees from hire to retirement. We offer cloud migration setup and support that is adaptable.

Payroll management

By establishing payroll policies and calculating overall payments, we help you automate the complete payroll management process. SAKAL APP system also allows users to keep track of their finances, including gross earnings, payroll deductions, and net pay, as well as the employer’s payroll tax liability.

Manage Data

Employees can upload their certificates clearing up precious time so that HR can focus on strategic, high-impact projects like compensation packages, performance appraisal, and onboarding by placing this documentation in the hands of your employees. It also aids compliance by allowing employees to know the benefits they are eligible for, receive reminders as important deadlines approach, and automatically amend paperwork.

Leave tracking

We help your human resource department automate how leaves are allocated, booked, approved, and monitored for any type of absence in your organization. Time off is analyzed for efficiency and performance metrics. 

Staff profile

A personnel portal allows employees to organize their personal information, freeing up time for HR managers. It also helps update their personal information and supports organizations to track employee progress and training.

Leave Processing

Processing a leave is sophisticated for any hiring manager with residual pay, send approval mails. IT also helps human resources track leave applications and eligibility. Our automated system offers to leave approval and rejection templates

All forms of Requests

Handling requests are an integral part of human resource management. Our automated management system helps cover employee payment processes, building, office, and general maintenance requests. The platform also helps clear up IT help desk documents request.

Multi-level department wise approvals

Coordinating management between multiple departments is difficult. For HR managers we streamline the interdepartmental approval process by automating points of contact to remind and alert people who are present in the cycle.

Getting Salary information & Payment history

Leave behind the manual payment tracking and excel sheet management with our intuitive and interactive platform that is deployed to collect salary information and also track every single payment.

Processing Reminders

An automated system keeps track of reminders, this will help you be more organized and forget nothing. We provide priority to constant alerts to process alerts for users based on timelines and schedules.

Coordinating Timetable

Arranging meetings, and coordinating calendars are difficult to track for human resource managers. Our human resource management system engages HRs to easily coordinate time slots and view timetables.

Contract employee hourly billing

Freelancers and contract gig workers are becoming mainstream nowadays. To accommodate them our platform enables the processing of hourly billing and the corresponding contracts.